Some of the most profound and wide-ranging changes to the national Australian workplace, affecting millions of people, is set to become law.
Continue readingThe Human Optimisation Loop
In the new world of technology first businesses and industry, it is critical for human performance to be optimised. How can companies remain smart, streamlined and secure to ensure continued performance and ultimate success?
Continue readingWhy Business Continuity is the final puzzle piece to Workforce Management
Minimising disruptions and using technology to easily divert calls to the right, available number. An important element of all business operations, but one that is often misunderstood or incorrect.
Continue readingThe benefits of automation for human optimisation
Higher costs and harder economic conditions – the opportunity to automate Human Capital Management.
Continue readingContact Centres: The Big Shift
The contact centre industry is undergoing perhaps the most fundamental change in its 40 year plus history. Be prepared for the new wave.
Continue readingCompliance lessons as thousands of jobs return to Australia
As organisations embark on in-sourcing contact centre strategies, they must take proactive action to ensure their contact centre staff are being paid properly.
Continue readingThe new wave of wage theft
When we talk about wage theft, workers being ‘ripped off’, companies at risk of hundreds of millions in fines, and the blame game comes to mind. But as we live in the new world of work, there are so many complexities which surround this issue, it’s easy to not know what to do next.
Continue readingA guide to COVID-19 workplace survival
With the amount of noise surrounding COVID-19 vaccination and back to work mandates, confusion is still ripe. Get the answers to return to work safely.
Continue readingThe Shift to Remote Work
The Work From Home trend is here to stay, but what does that mean for industries globally? Dive into the remote work model and this transform businesses and employee alike.
Continue readingCompliance in an evolving and remote business world
Compliance is a key trend, especially in the shift to remote work. Implementing correct and secure practices to ensure compliance is an integral advantage as the business world continues to evolve.
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